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- James on Migrating big applications from Rails 2 to Rails 3
- David on The Ruby C API – Basics
- 各种MQ比较-老娘舅 on A quick message queue benchmark: ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, HornetQ, QPID, Apollo…
- Chris on A quick message queue benchmark: ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, HornetQ, QPID, Apollo…
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Author Archives: Muriel Salvan
rb_iterate replaced by rb_block_call API between Ruby 1.8 and 1.9
You may have noticed that some Ruby libraries using C extensions were suddenly having core dumps when compiled using Ruby 1.9, whereas compiling with Ruby 1.8 got no problems. A good culprit might be the usage of rb_iterate method in … Continue reading
C, Howto, Ruby
1.8, 1.9, block, C extension, example, obsolete, rb_block_call, rb_iterate, ruby, segmentation fault, usage, yield
Code surprise for today
A little code surprise today for all my beloved readers 🙂 You find out what it does 😉 Hint: executing it might help and is harmless Enjoy, with all my best wishes for this year! Muriel
Migrating big applications from Rails 2 to Rails 3
Today will have a rather long and technical post, focused on all the steps needed for migrating big applications from Rails 2 to Rails 3. First question: why bother? Rails 2 is great, but Rails 3 is awesome. Apart from … Continue reading
The Ruby C API – Basics
In my 2 previous posts, we saw how to write C extensions, and how to package them. Now time has come to see a little bit of the Ruby C API. This post will deal with the basics, next ones … Continue reading
C, Howto, Ruby
api, C, C extension, DBL2NUM, FIX2INT, INT2FIX, NUM2DBL, RARRAY_LEN, rb_ary_entry, rb_ary_new, rb_ary_push, rb_class_new_instance, rb_const_get, rb_define_class, rb_define_method, rb_define_module, rb_funcall, rb_hash_aref, rb_hash_aset, rb_hash_new, rb_intern, rb_str_new, RSTRING_LEN, RSTRING_PTR, ruby
Packaging Ruby C extensions in nice gems
In the first part of this series on Ruby and C, we’ve seen how easy it is to write a C extension and use it in Ruby environment. However, in real world problems, a Ruby library will have several C … Continue reading
How to write C extensions easily in Ruby
Lots of Ruby libraries suffer from performance. It is in fact one of the biggest criticism that is being made to Ruby. There are lots of ways to improve Ruby’s performance: use latest Ruby version, use JRuby, use Ruby Entreprise … Continue reading
C, Howto, Ruby
bottleneck, C, C extension, compile, dynamic, extconf, howto, link, make, performance, ruby
Understanding Spam … figures, business model, techniques, protection
Lately I got really bothered by Spam in my various forums, blogs and emails. It regularly costs me hours of anti-Spam protection setup, filtering false positives, reconfiguring my Captchas, and cleaning my databases. So I decided to better understand this … Continue reading
Howto add email notifications to your Redmine install on Heroku
After my last post (Howto install Redmine on Heroku), I wanted to enable email notifications on my Redmine install on Heroku. Here is the quick howto. Please note that Heroku does not have its own SMTP server (at least for … Continue reading
Howto install Redmine on Heroku
A little howto to get Redmine running on Heroku: Install Redmine locally. Follow instructions given on the Redmine Install page. I used development mode only in this step. Setup git in the repository with git init Edit the .gitignore file, … Continue reading