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- David on The Ruby C API – Basics
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Tag Archives: rb_const_get
The Ruby C API – Basics
In my 2 previous posts, we saw how to write C extensions, and how to package them. Now time has come to see a little bit of the Ruby C API. This post will deal with the basics, next ones … Continue reading
C, Howto, Ruby
api, C, C extension, DBL2NUM, FIX2INT, INT2FIX, NUM2DBL, RARRAY_LEN, rb_ary_entry, rb_ary_new, rb_ary_push, rb_class_new_instance, rb_const_get, rb_define_class, rb_define_method, rb_define_module, rb_funcall, rb_hash_aref, rb_hash_aset, rb_hash_new, rb_intern, rb_str_new, RSTRING_LEN, RSTRING_PTR, ruby