A little code surprise today for all my beloved readers 🙂
You find out what it does 😉
Hint: executing it might help and is harmless
Proc.new { def d(s) $stdout << s << "\r"; sleep 0.05 end m, r, o = 37, (65..90), 0 s = ' '*m z = [ [ lambda{|x| x*(x*(x*(x - 306) + 34953) - 1766360) + 33321600}, 1, 0, [2, 3], 4 ], [ lambda{|x| x*(x*(x - 234) + 18171) - 468234}, 1, 0, 2 ], [ lambda{|x| x*(x*(x*(x - 305) + 34697) - 1744867) + 32731530}, 2, 1, 3, 0 ] ].each do | f, *l | n = 0 r.each_with_index do |c, i| if (f.call(c) == 0) [l[n]].to_a.flatten.each do |p| t, k = nil, 0 i.step(p,(p-i)/(p-i).abs) do |j| s[o+k] = t if !t.nil? t, k = s[o+j], j s[o+j] = c.chr d s end end n += 1 else s[o+i] = c.chr.downcase if s[o+i].ord < 65 end d s end o += l.flatten.size + 1 s[o-1..m-1] = ' '*(m-o+1) d s end $stdout << "\n" << m*s.size+(o+o+z[0][3][1]*z[0][4])*z.flatten.size+(z[2][2].to_s+z[0][4].to_s).to_i << "!\n" }.call
Enjoy, with all my best wishes for this year!
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